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Minsthorpe Community College

Knowledge Organisers

At Minsthorpe Community College, we deliver an ambitious, knowledge rich curriculum in order to enable students to know more, remember more and do more. The knowledge found in Knowledge Organisers will provide students with the foundations for success in terms of qualifications, but also the cultural capital about the world they live in. Learning knowledge is not an instant process which is why we design our curriculum to help pupils remember what they have been taught. This webpage contains resources that explain what Knowledge Organisers are, strategies to assist students in learning knowledge and the systems the college implement in order to certify knowledge is retained.

In Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be issued with one document every half-term that contains Knowledge in the following subject areas:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • French
  • History
  • Geography
  • CDM
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Art
  • Core PE
  • L4L
  • Design Technology- In Year 7, students will study Design Technology in three 14-week blocks consisting of Textiles, Product Design and Food.

Students’ Home Learning will direct students to revise a section of every Knowledge Organiser each week. Students will be tested in the form of multiple-choice questions in a Knowledge Assessment each half term. The Knowledge Assessments will provide an indication as to which subjects students are performing well in and also the areas they require further support in. The Home Learning schedule and the dates of the Knowledge Assessments are detailed below:

Home Learning Schedule:


Subject to Learn

Year 8 and 9 Only


English and L4L



Maths and CDM

Sparx Week B



Educake Week A


French, History and Geography



Design Technology, PE and Creative

Knowledge Assessment Dates:

Thursday 24th October Week B
Year 7 Period 1, Year 8 Period 3, Year 9 Period 2

Wednesday 18th December Week A
Year 7 Period 1, Year 8 Period 3, Year 9 Period 2

Thursday 13th February Week A
Year 7 Period 1, Year 8 Period 3, Year 9 Period 2

Tuesday 1st April Week A
Year 7 Period 1, Year 8 Period 3, Year 9 Period 2

Wednesday 21st May Week B
Year 7 Period 3, Year 8 Period, Year 9 Period 2

Thursday 10th July Week B
Year 7 and Year 8 Period 3, Year 9 Period 2

It is imperative that your child is not absent on the assessment dates above.

For further information and supporting resources please see the attachments below:

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Strategy videos

Strategy One (Look, Cover, Write, Check)

Strategy Two (Mind Maps)

Strategy Three (Flashcards)

Strategy Four (Aspire)


