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Minsthorpe Community College

What we offer


At Minsthorpe Post 16 we offer courses that are suitable for all everyone. The curriculum has been designed to offer students of all abilities and all interests an opportunity to gain the qualifications they need.

Along with the curriculum Students get fantastic experiences during Enrichment time, from high quality external speakers to trips and team building activities. There is also the chance to represent the college as part of the Football Academy and the Post 16 Student Leadership Team.

Please get in touch via , should you have any further questions or to speak directly to our Associate Assistant Principal (Director of Post 16), Mr Lloyd or to our Careers Adviser, Mr Dowey.

Courses Available and Entry Requirements

Level 3 Subjects and Entry Requirements

Please see below the current subjects available and the requirements for them. Students need to pick three subjects from three different blocks.

For more information about the various courses click on the link below

Level 1 and 2 Subjects and Entry Requirements

If you are a student whose GCSE grades range between grades 1-4 then you will study on the Next Steps Pathway, You will need to choose this option and at your Interview in November we will discuss which two Level 2 subjects you would like to study. We are offering a choice of 6 subjects:

  • Business
  • Sport
  • Science
  • Health & Social Care / Child Care
  • Work Skills

You will also study any English or Maths qualifications that need to be re-taken.

Progression from the Next Steps Pathway can be onto Level 3 courses where the entry requirements have been met or into appropriate Apprenticeship routes.

Next Steps Pathway (Select 2 subjects from below)
Level 1 & 2 Programmes
Subject Qualifications Essential

Level 1/2 Pre-Apprenticeship – Work Skills

BTEC Diploma(Level 1 & 2) 1 year

2 GCSE grades 1-3 (Support with Resit Functional Skills Maths and English if below a 4)


BTEC Diploma (Level 2) 1 Year

3 GCSE grade 3 (Support with Resit Functional Skills Maths and English if below a 4)

Health & Social Care / Child Care

BTEC Diploma (Level 2) 1 Year

3 GCSE grade 3 (Support with Resit Functional Skills Maths and English if below a 4)


BTEC Diploma (Level 2) 1 Year

3 GCSE grade 3 (Support with Resit Functional Skills Maths and English if below a 4)


BTEC Diploma (Level 2) 1 Year

3 GCSE grade 3 (Support with Resit Functional Skills Maths and English if below a 4)



How do we meet the requirements of the 16 – 19 study programme?

All ESFA funded education for 16 to 19 year olds should be delivered as a study programme which combines qualifications and other activities, and which is tailored to each student’s prior attainment and career goals.

  • Every study programme must have a core aim. For the majority of students, this will be either the study of substantial technical, applied or academic qualification(s) or preparation for employment

The Minsthorpe Community College Level 3 programme is composed of a mixture of academic qualifications and applied courses with many students study facilitating subjects.

  • Young people who do not hold a GCSE grade 4 (reformed grading) or grade C (legacy grading) in maths and/or English are required to continue these subjects as part of their study programme

In the Minsthorpe Community College Post 16 all students who do not hold a grade 4 in maths and/or English are provided with time on their programme to retake these subjects.

  • All study programmes should include work experience and non-qualification activities which complement the other elements of the programme and support the student to progress to further or higher education or to employment. The non-qualification activity should develop students’ character, skills, attitudes and confidence.

Students in our Post 16 are expected to take part in a number of activities which provide them with opportunity to develop a range of “soft skills”.

  • The Post 16 Enrichment along with the Wellbeing Curriculum ensures that important issues are discussed and key skills developed
  • Students have a range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills including representing the college at key events, playing for the football academy and supporting with younger year groups.
  • Level 3 Year 12 students take part in the Progress Module which they work on with the progression tutor. During these sessions they develop their professional portfolio allowing them to move on to access the UCAS or the apprenticeship pathways
  • Visits to multiple higher educational providers are organised each year to show students what their next steps could be.
  • All students receive bespoke careers and future planning support
  • Level 3 Year 12 students are expected to seek work experience placements with the support of the Post 16 team


For detailed curriculum information about the various courses click on the link below.

